RS+`s Story
RS+™ was designed and developed at the Department for Nanostructured Materials, Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI), Ljubljana, Slovenia. Its foundations were set with doctoral dissertation of Nataša Drnovšek, entitled Development of coatings on Ti6Al4V alloy for new generation implants bone with improved osseointegration, where for the purpose of the development of advanced biocompatible and bioactive nanostructured coatings an innovative process for the synthesis of nanoparticulate bioactive glass was developed.

It followed that the group of research companions, i.e., dr. Nataša Drnovšek, dr. Sebastjan Perko, DMD, and dr. Andraž Kocjan, all conducting their PhD projects at JSI, under the framework of national research programme, entitled Ceramic and complementary materials for advanced engineering and biomedical applications, co-funded by Ustna Medicina d.o.o., upgraded the composition and use of nanoparticulate bioactive glass to design a new multi-component bioceramic cement that hardens upon mixing with water or saline solution to form a biomimetic and bactericidal sealer/filler suitable as root canal repair material in endodontic dental care.
Based on the technical invention a spin-out company Genuine Technologies d.o.o. was founded for the manufacturing of RS+™. In 2019, GenTech obtained the CE mark (CE1101) for the RS+™ and the company’s compliance with the ISO 13485 standard setting requirements for the quality management system of medical devices, thus placing RS+™ on the Slovenian and European market for dental materials.